How to Answer “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?”

Preparing for an interview is key to success— especially when it comes to questions about your employment history that may not be easy to talk about.  One popular question that may fall into this category is, “Why did you leave your last job?” From the interviewer’s perspective, this question serves as a gauge of your […]

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27 Questions to Ask at the End of a Job Interview (Divided by Topic)

In a job interview, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be asked if you have any questions towards the end of your conversation. This question is more than a simple formality— it’s an important moment that reminds us that interviews are a two-way street.  From an employer’s perspective, a candidate who asks thoughtful questions is […]

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How to Ask About Work-Life Balance in a Job Interview

Interviews are more than an evaluation of your skills and experience. It’s also your chance to learn more about the company and determine whether it’s a good fit for you. Part of this means digging into the company’s culture and deciding whether or not it aligns with your priorities— especially when it comes to things like […]

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How to Research a Company Before an Interview

Every job interview has the potential to be a pivotal moment in your career journey. The outcome can determine your immediate career path as well as your long-term professional trajectory, making it important to put your best foot forward! However, acing an interview is more than just showing up and talking about your skills, experiences, […]

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