How to Follow Up After an Interview

Waiting to hear back after a job interview can be nerve-wracking— but so can sending a follow-up email! You may wonder if you’re following up too soon, pestering the interviewer, or if your efforts will hurt your chances of getting the job.

However, following up is a step in the job search process that can show your genuine interest in the position and help you stand out from other candidates. A well-timed and thoughtfully crafted follow-up can leave a lasting impression and reinforce why you are the right fit for the role. 

Here’s what you need to know!

What to do immediately after the interview

Before you follow up, there are two things to do after an interview: reflect on your experience and send a thank you email.

Reflect on the interview

After your interview, take some time to reflect on the experience. Write down key points discussed, questions you were asked, and any insights you gained about the company and the role. This will help you identify areas where you excelled and areas for improvement, which can be valuable for future interviews.

Send a thank-you email

Sending a thank-you email within 24 hours of your interview is a professional and courteous gesture. Personalize your message for each interviewer, expressing gratitude for their time and consideration. Though it’s not a requirement, a simple message can help keep you top of mind.

Timing your interview follow-up email

If you haven’t received a response after your initial thank-you email, it’s important to know when to follow up again. 

As a general guideline, wait about a week before reaching out. This shows patience and respect for the interviewer’s time while keeping your interest in the role evident. 

If the interviewer provided a timeline for their decision-making process, adjust your follow-up timing accordingly.

What to include in a follow-up email

Don’t overthink your email. Make sure it includes these four basic components.

Subject line

Make sure your subject notes that you are following up. 

A straightforward subject line like “Follow-Up on [Job Title] Interview” can help the recipient quickly understand the purpose of your email.


Start your email with a simple greeting and a reference to your previous communication. For example, “I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on our recent interview for the [Job Title] position.”


In the body of your email, mention your continued interest in the role and ask about the status of the hiring process. Reiterate why you believe you are a strong fit for the position, and mention any relevant points from your interview to jog the interviewer’s memory. You can also offer additional information or to answer any further questions they might have.


Close your email with a professional sign-off. Thank the interviewer once again for their time and consideration, and express your enthusiasm for hearing back soon. Include your contact information to make it easy for them to respond. 

Interview Follow Up Email Example

Handling silence or rejection

You may quickly receive a response with positive news. Yay, you! 

However, there’s also a chance that they respond and say they’ve decided to move forward with another candidate. Or you may not hear back at all. Regardless of the situation, handling yourself with poise and professionalism is important. 

If you receive no response

If you don’t receive a response after your follow-up email, it’s important to know when to stop reaching out. A good rule of thumb is to wait another week before sending a final, polite follow-up. 

If there’s still no response, it’s best to move on. Remember, staying positive and professional is key. Persistence is important, but overdoing it can be counterproductive.

If you get rejected

Receiving a rejection can be disheartening, but it’s important to respond graciously. 

Thank the interviewer for the opportunity and ask for feedback if they can provide it. Having feedback can be great for improving your performance in future interviews. Additionally, keep the door open for future opportunities by expressing your interest in staying connected or being considered for other roles within the company.

Follow up and continue your journey

Knowing when and how to follow up after an interview can leave a positive impression on your potential employers. Stay proactive and positive and remember that each interview, regardless of outcome, is a valuable experience that brings you closer to your career goals.