What Is My Passion? Determining What Drives You

Finding one’s passion is a profound journey that can shape our lives, both personally and professionally. It is the driving force behind our pursuits, the source of our enthusiasm, and the key to unlocking our true potential.

Whether you are seeking a new job, contemplating a career change, or simply looking to reignite your sense of purpose, understanding your passions is a crucial step in creating a fulfilling and meaningful life.

What is a passion?

Passion, at its core, is an intense interest or enthusiasm for something. It is that deep-seated connection that ignites our souls, drives our actions, and fills us with a sense of purpose. 

While passions can certainly be work-related, it’s important to remember that they can also extend far beyond our professional lives. Your passion might lie in artistic expression, travel, technology, relationships, education, community service, or personal growth. By recognizing and embracing these passions, you open up a world of possibilities and tap into a wellspring of motivation and fulfillment.

The importance of having passions

Having passions in life is immensely important, as they add color and depth to our existence. They provide a sense of purpose and joy, infusing every aspect of our lives with enthusiasm and energy. Research has found that participants who engaged in hobbies are, on average, 34% less stressed and 18% less sad during the activities, as well as for some time after.

When it comes to your career, passions can be a game-changer. They allow you to align your work with your personal values, creating a meaningful connection to your chosen profession. Employers value candidates who demonstrate passion, as it showcases your dedication, authenticity, and the unique perspective you can bring to a company.

Why employers care about your passions

If you’ve interviewed for a job recently, the interviewer may have asked you about your passions.

The truth is, many employers are not solely interested in your technical qualifications and experience. They want to understand what motivates you, what drives your enthusiasm, and how you align with the company culture. 

By inquiring about your passions, interviewers gain insights into your personality and what you can contribute beyond the job description. Your passions can indicate your ability to think creatively, solve problems, work in teams, and adapt to new challenges. 

Don’t underestimate the power of your non-work-related passions, either. By effectively tying them into your professional skills or experiences, you can showcase your versatility and ability to think outside the box.

Furthermore, they provide a glimpse into your work-life balance and how you can positively influence the workplace environment. So, never hesitate to share your passions in an interview—they can truly set you apart and leave a lasting impression.

Examples of passions

Passions come in a myriad of forms, reflecting the unique interests and inclinations of individuals. Not sure what your passion may be? Here’s a list of passions to help you brainstorm.

  1. Artistic expression and creativity: Whether it’s painting, writing, sculpting, or playing an instrument, artistic endeavors can be a gateway to self-expression and fulfillment.
  2. Travel: Exploring new places, immersing oneself in different cultures, and embracing the wonders of the world are passions that can broaden horizons and create lifelong memories.
  3. Technology and innovation: The ever-evolving realm of technology offers a wealth of opportunities for those who are passionate about coding, designing, or inventing.
  4. Relationships: Nurturing meaningful connections with family, friends, and loved ones is a passion that brings joy, support, and a sense of belonging.
  5. Education: The pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning can be a driving force for personal growth and professional development.
  6. Career and professional development: Passion for one’s career path, continuous improvement, and achieving new milestones can be a source of immense satisfaction and drive.
  7. Community service: Devoting time and energy to making a positive impact in your community, whether through volunteering or activism, is a passion that benefits both others and yourself.
  8. Personal growth and wellbeing: Prioritizing self-care, mindfulness, physical fitness, and mental wellness is a passion that allows for holistic development and a balanced life.

These examples demonstrate the diversity of passions and serve as a reminder that your passions can extend across various domains of your life. They are a testament to your uniqueness and the vast potential within you.

How to find your passions

Discovering your passion is an exciting and introspective process. It involves self-reflection, exploration, and embracing new experiences. Here are some tips to help you uncover your passions.

1. Reflect on your childhood interests and hobbies.

Understanding what energizes you may require a little self-reflection and deep thought. Think back to your childhood and the activities that brought you joy and excitement. Were there any particular hobbies or interests that captivated your attention? Reconnecting with these childhood passions can provide valuable insights into what drives you.

2. Experiment with different activities and experiences.

Be open to trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone. Engage in activities that pique your curiosity, whether it’s joining a club, taking a class, or attending workshops. This experimentation allows you to explore various interests and helps you discover what truly resonates with you.

3. Pay attention to what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Notice the activities that make you lose track of time or leave you feeling energized and fulfilled. These moments of flow indicate areas where your passions may lie. Whether it’s solving puzzles, writing stories, helping others, or designing something, pay attention to what brings you genuine happiness.

4. Seek inspiration from others. 

Look up to individuals who inspire you and learn about their passions. Explore different fields, read biographies, and engage in conversations with people who are passionate about their pursuits. This exposure can spark ideas and help you find inspiration in unexpected places.

Remember, discovering your passion is a journey, and it’s okay if it takes time. Embrace the process and be patient with yourself. Your passions may evolve over time as you gain new experiences and insights.

The bottom line

Passions provide a sense of purpose, joy, and authenticity, both personally and professionally. 

They allow you to align your work with your values, demonstrate your unique contributions to employers, and bring color to every aspect of your life. Remember, passions are not confined to the boundaries of work; they encompass a wide range of interests and activities that resonate with your soul. 

By exploring your passions, embracing new experiences, and staying true to yourself, you can unlock a world of possibilities and create a life that is driven by what truly ignites your spirit. So, take the time to reflect, experiment, and nurture your passions, for they hold the key to a fulfilling and rewarding journey ahead.