Valera Health Employee Reviews



See How Ratings Vary By:

Age Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
29 and younger 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 3.0 3.5
30 - 39 years old 4.0 3.8 4.2 4.0 4.4 4.1
40 - 49 years old
50 - 59 years old 3.0 3.0 4.5 4.0 3.0 3.5
60 and over
Unspecified 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.2

Gender Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Male 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Female 3.9 4.1 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.3
Non-binary/third gender
Unspecified 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.2

Ethnicity Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
White 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.9
Black / African-American
Asian / Asian-American
Hispanic / Latinx 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Middle Eastern
Native American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Unspecified 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.2

Orientation Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Heterosexual / Straight 4.1 4.3 4.9 4.6 4.4 4.5
Unspecified 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.2

Caregiver Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Yes, I am 4.4 4.6 5.0 4.8 5.0 4.8
No, I am not 2.4 2.6 3.4 3.2 2.6 2.8
Unspecified 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.2

Function Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Nurse Practitioner
Operations/Administration 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 3.0 3.7
Customer Support
Program/Project Management
Data Science
Sales/BD 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
HR/Recruiting 4.0 4.3 5.0 4.7 5.0 4.6
Product Management
Other 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Unspecified 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.2

126 Ratings by 26 Reviewers

5 Stars: 10 4 Stars: 6 3 Stars: 6 2 Stars: 2 1 Stars: 2

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I think if you have the fire to step out on your own, create your own initiatives within your space where there are gaps, then yes, one can grow. Is there upwards growth? That depends entirely on one's manager and if they're of the mind to fight for their team or identify and recognize those who do more.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Initially at Valera I felt like there were high opportunities for growth. As the company has progressed I see more individuals being promoted who are underqualified and less individuals being promoted who are more qualified for the roles in which underqualified employees are getting.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

My division is a double edged sword as I work mostly in isolation. So there's room to acquire new schools but next to no collaboration,

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I don't see any opportunity to go higher because it's only a one person job and they're not leaving.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I was promoted within 5 months of starting a position with Valera Health.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I feel capped with my current position & department considering there is little to no turnover & no need for additional positions, but there is definitely room for other positions in other departments to grow!

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The position I have I don't feel like there is other positions to move up to.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have grown a lot at Valera and had a clearer trajectory/plan in 2022 for job growth, including a pathway I was working towards for a promotion. However since all the company + employee changes in 2023 there is no longer that same clear, defined path. With that being said, experiencing all of these changes in both the company and role I have learned a lot and expanded what I do in my role A LOT. I'm just unsure how that will amount to a promotion or what that path would look like since I'm in a unique position where, although I'm part of a new team now, since I'm the only one in my position and it's only position like it, there isn't a clear path for upward mobility.

By Public Reviewer, 3 months ago

None, people with heart and passion for serving this population are overlooked, dismissed, laid off, etc.

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Myself and other teammates have grown tremendously while at Valera.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, 10 months ago

Displaying 10 of 26 Ratings

5 Stars: 9 4 Stars: 6 3 Stars: 5 2 Stars: 3 1 Stars: 2

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Lacks clear leadership mission statement and long-term goals for product.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Valera Health's purpose (providing high quality and accessible mental healthcare to all, no matter what their economic background is) is the biggest reason I joined VH. Throughout all the company changes this year and changes within my department, this mission has always been at the core of what we do and hasn't been lost. I feel extremely connected to this mission which is what keeps me going everyday and why I chose to work with VH instead of other telemental healthcare companies (and other companies in general). When we do find a new CEO, its extremely important to me that they continue to lead with this mission at the forefront and never compromise on the original purpose of Valera for the sake of money. I truly don't think we would survive as a company if we threw our mission and ethics out the window like other competing companies (who are now facing legal/publicity trouble for putting profits over patients).

By Public Reviewer, 3 months ago

Patient care suffers tremendously. Patients are often ignored, treated poorly, and emails/calls go unanswered

By Public Reviewer, 10 months ago

They have a stated purpose, but that does not align with the actual workplace.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 4 of 25 Ratings

5 Stars: 17 4 Stars: 6 3 Stars: 1 2 Stars: 0 1 Stars: 1

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I couldn't speak more highly of the flexibility at Valera and the trust my manager has in my to get my work done while still maintaining a work-life balance.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Direct supervisors are wonderful at accommodating.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

No issues with PTO.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

For medical reasons, I need to go to a fair amount of doctors appointments. My team and supervisor are very understanding of this and I really appreciate the flexibility that our working environment and my supervisor provide so I can take care of my health. This is a huge benefit of VH and I think it will help use retain employees and attract new employees.

By Public Reviewer, 10 months ago

Not enough time off for therapists, it's less than for corporate employees who don't provide direct care. If you get sick at all, you'll rapidly lose all your PTO. I know a bunch of people who were forced to work through COVID and personal emergencies. They're not at all accommodating with taking unpaid time off either.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, 3 months ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 5 of 25 Ratings

5 Stars: 11 4 Stars: 9 3 Stars: 4 2 Stars: 0 1 Stars: 1

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There are those who really try to create an inclusive and safe space; I do feel included and engaged within my team and by most leaders at Valera.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

This is another thing about VH that set them apart from other competitors for me. I've experienced discrimination and otherwise toxic work environments in past jobs, and I'm happy to report I haven't experienced that at all here.

By Public Reviewer, 10 months ago

There's a punitive atmosphere and clinicians' voices are not valued. Upper management rules through bullying. Often, employees are gaslit when they bring concerns to management.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, 3 months ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 3 of 25 Ratings

5 Stars: 13 4 Stars: 4 3 Stars: 4 2 Stars: 2 1 Stars: 2

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Direct supervisors are wonderful at giving honest feedback.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Absolutely! Everyone I've worked with at VH is very empathetic and treats others with respect. My supervisor and team provide great feedback and provide opportunities for feedback and support.

By Public Reviewer, 3 months ago

Mistreatment of employees, PTO taken away, 600+/month insurance plans for a family, not including deductibles, employees are ignored when asking for help, only feedback provided is negative

By Public Reviewer, 10 months ago

My supervisor provides good feedback but it's not super actionable. I haven't received the type of constructive criticism/growth I've wanted. Upper management is mostly focused on squeezing all the minutes out of my schedule they can.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 4 of 25 Ratings

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