Employee Reviews

What is a Trusted Employer?


See How Ratings Vary By:

Age Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
29 and younger 4.4 4.4 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.7
30 - 39 years old 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 5.0
40 - 49 years old 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6
50 - 59 years old 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.9
60 and over 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 4.0
Unspecified 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6

Gender Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Male 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.9
Female 4.8 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.7
Non-binary/third gender
Unspecified 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6

Ethnicity Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
White 4.6 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.5 4.7
Black / African-American
Asian / Asian-American 5.0 4.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Hispanic / Latinx 4.5 4.8 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.8
Middle Eastern 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Native American 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Unspecified 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6

Orientation Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Heterosexual / Straight 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8
LGBTQ 3.3 4.0 5.0 4.7 4.0 4.2
Unspecified 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6

Caregiver Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Yes, I am 4.7 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.8
No, I am not 4.6 4.7 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.8
Unspecified 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6

Function Breakdown

Growth Purpose Flexibility Inclusion Feedback Overall
Legal/Finance/Accounting 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Operations/Administration 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Engineering/QA 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.7
Customer Support 4.0 4.0 4.6 4.4 4.0 4.2
Program/Project Management 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.2
Data Science 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Marketing 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Sales/BD 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.9
HR/Recruiting 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.8 5.0
Product Management 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Unspecified 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.6

336 Ratings by 69 Reviewers

5 Stars: 54 4 Stars: 5 3 Stars: 6 2 Stars: 4 1 Stars: 0

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Perhaps it's a symptom of our start-up-to-scale-up purgatory, but right now there doesn't seem to be an opportunity to learn, grow, or advance my career.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There are a handful of non-growth positions at ddw, for people who came here in a very odd way; I am one of those.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I am currently on a career track that will empower acceleration to a stronger role. At this company, I am encouraged to go above and beyond my job title and my peers who have have been rightly promoted as well.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

This was mentioned many times during the interview process and something I've seen first hand @

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have no growth plan, nor do I have a promotion plan. Everyone is super encouraging and willing to help someone learn, but I personally have not felt like I am growing here.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

No path, no conversation about opportunity or potential or need. Largely sense my management chain doesn't have a sense of my skills and experience or how to use them.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There is a lot of opportunity at, however, there are limited defined career paths. As opportunities arise they are posted externally without separate internal routing so you may be completely unaware that an opportunity you're interested in exists.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Lots of opportunity to learn new things and stretch yourself

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Great mentors, and opportunity for as much responsibility as I am willing to take.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I’m learning constantly about both my role and the overall business ecosystem. I’ve already been promoted here.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have been able to propose and run projects that impacts the immediate and medium term of the company.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The leadership team and my manager are not shy about talking about career progression and I feel comfortable asking about it. The company is also growing a ton, so there is the opportunity for fast change and great learning opportunities.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have started taking on additional business functions for new and added experience. Additionally, the culture of mentorship is incredibly ripe and available for those who are interested.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Lots of opportunities to try new roles.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The company is supportive of my opportunity to grow. I've seen many get promoted within the company.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There is a clear career path at

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Able to discuss ideas with my manager and implement business process. A lot of autonomy that leads to growth in other areas.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have the opportunity to work on projects outside of my day-to-day duties.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've been promoted and received raises a number of times here. In addition, I know the leadership is invested in our success literally and figuratively by offering us chances to take courses, attend conferences, and grow professionally.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I'm am constantly being asked what my goals are and am given opportunities to progress via additional trainings or 1 on 1 time to improve and work towards those goals.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

They have allowed me to do projects outside the scope of my job.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The company is quickly growing and there are constant reminders from upper management to let them know what you would want to do in the future.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have been able to take on new projects that interest me and I have been able to work with several teams at

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've been given a lot of opportunities and support to explore and work on things that are at the edge of my skillset. This has helped me grow quite a bit in a relatively short amount of time without feeling undue pressure.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

At, growth opportunity are based on merits and accomplishments. I worked very at my job, and I was rewarded with additional responsibility and a promotion. In general, there's an environment where you can be mentored and are empowered (and have room) to learn new things... and you can mentor others and empower them to learn.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have been given the opportunity to lead on projects.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Lots of support from leadership + opportunities to grow

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've been promoted twice here in three years and I've been asked and trusted to own increasingly bigger projects at the company. I feel like is at a healthy place of growing as fast as our people's capabilities do, so they really rely on us to grow our skills and ownership to help the company grow. They put their money where their mouths are too by investing in us for training and conferences to learn more about how to do our jobs better and everyone has a chance to earn their way upwards.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Literally learning an entirely new product and usage of big data as I go

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Huge opportunity to grow professionally and skill wise. Everyone is able to get involved at all levels to enable the company to move forward. It's a little less clear what the internal career growth opportunities are. They do not have clear growth plans yet.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We are a high growth company just entering that big growth curve. And that means that opportunity abounds for people to show what they can do and be rewarded for it with leadership roles as teams grow.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There is nothing outlined for how to advance or get promoted in my current position. There is no position that exists currently that is a Sr. level position of the one that I have.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've been at for a while now and I get the chance to work on things that I find challenging and take on more responsibilities.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

As a startup, is aggressive in its goal for growth, and leadership has made it clear as the company grows, we all grow - both in terms of opportunity and equity.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

When I joined the company, I led a marketing team of four. That team, along with my responsibilities, has grown over time. I now manage a team 5x the size and own everything from brand to pre-sales pipeline.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Expanding my role and team

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've had 2 promotions in the 2 years I've been here.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 37 of 69 Ratings

5 Stars: 50 4 Stars: 11 3 Stars: 3 2 Stars: 1 1 Stars: 2

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The fact we're a B-Corp is awesome. I'm excited we recently hired a Community Manager, and I know we aspire to be the world's public data catalog... but I don't see how we're assisting the causes we support. I hope this changes in the future.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We have the public benefit mission, but we don't do anything to support it. Our community site hasn't been updated in years, we have no programs to promote it outside of ddw, we talk about it but don't do a lot about it. I hope that the new public benefit coordinator will be able to change this, but the company as a whole doesn't really seem committed.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago believes in a community first environment where we empower communities to work together with data. Yes money is important, but empowering others to work together in a collaborative environment is more important

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago being a B corp (and living it) really shows this. Our tech is also meant to help many!

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

While is a business, there is always a strong focus on the community, teamwork, and making the industry better in general.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We are true to our Public Benefit Corp / B-corp status. The company really does have a "soul", not just a pocketbook.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Yes, the public benefit mission is strong evidence for this. The leadership and executive teams truly believes that the way enterprise data is managed today needs to be transformed to make the world a better place.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

As a B corp and public benefit corporation, our mission of making the world more data driven strongly resonates.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The Public Benefit Corporation mission is very central to our mission and in how we approach the public, our customers, and growing the business.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

This is why it's organized as a Public Benefit Corporation!

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The company is both a public benefit corporation and a certified B Corp with a dedication to the community it serves and our mission.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The pivot to offer an enterprise solution

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

This is the first company I've worked for that discusses being responsible with the money we make. Being a B Corporation we also have a duty to provide our community with services.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

1. We offer a free community data platform that anyone in the world can access. 2. We also raise money for several different organizations throughout the year - most recently we supported those who were affected by Hurricane Ida. This season we are supporting Austin Pets Alive.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We talk a lot about our mission and vision of being a company that transforms data into meaning and usefulness across the world and we don't stray from it.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We are constantly going over and asking for more philanthropic ideas.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Being a Public Benefit Corporation says it all.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

absolutely - with our community platform, is dedicated to getting data to the public and being a B Corp means we go above and beyond serving our community, workforce and environment

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

As a Public Benefit Corp/B Corp, it's explicitly written into our company's mission to do things beyond make money. While this area hasn't gotten as much attention as it could during the transition to enterprise focus, I feel like the company is realigning with its original mission and putting dedicated time and resources towards our B Corp mission once again.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We have a really ambitious mission -- to create the most meaningful, collaborative, and abundant data resource in the world. And that means for the community and enterprises.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Public Benefit Corporation status

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Being a Benefit Corp shows how we're focused on solving problems and making the world better as well

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

While the opportunity of a startup in a hot space is exciting and motivating, the broader benefit of making the world's data more useful and insightful has unimaginable potential for solving the problems of our day. The fact that we formed as a B Corp with the mission of helping the world through data is a testament to that.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

This company has one heck of a growth trajectory, and I'm proud to be part of it

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Yes. As a B Corp this is a major focus to make sure that we accomplish GOOD in the world. This is embedded in the culture.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago is a public benefit corporation. It serves an open community of hundreds of thousands of people and their open datasets. It has a mission to be the most abundant data resource on the planet. And leadership is very focused on building a company that people can feel great about being a part of.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Yes, we frequently talk about our purpose and footprint beyond our enterprise customers.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago is a certified B Corp with a mission to make data accessible to all.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We live our B-corp mission to the fullest, whether using public data to study policing in America or providing open data to the community to study the spread of Covid.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Our commitment to our data community

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We're a B Corp with a free open data forum.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 31 of 67 Ratings

5 Stars: 60 4 Stars: 4 3 Stars: 3 2 Stars: 0 1 Stars: 0

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Work/life balance is awesome at Really great job here.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Unlimited PTO with the ability to trust my team to handle work while i'm away

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've been here only a short time and I've had NO problem taking time off (multiple times in less than half a year)

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The team is incredibly supportive when it comes to planned or not-so-planned absences and ensuring you feel comfortable if you need to step away.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Remote work and flexible vacation policy are great. Most managers actively encourage people to take MORE time off.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

True flexibility. We all trust each other that we will get our work done.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There is no micromanagement in my experience here. People trust you to get the work done without scrutinizing when you do it. I feel very comfortable taking vacation or stepping away for appointments/personal errands as needed. Leadership also leads by example here.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Between a "take what you need" policy and leadership that stresses the importance of work/life balance and taking time to be with family, friends, and most importantly "away from work" for mental health, it's very supportive.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Of all the companies I've worked for, this is the first one that not only works hard to provide coverage if needed for time off, but actively encourages you to take personal time.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Company values balance and gives folks the space to prioritize their family.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The company is very supportive of my need to take time off when needed, and it is often encouraged. The pandemic led to the company also designating an extra day off monthly during which the whole company is off to help with the stress brought about by the pandemic.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago offers work and life balance and has rescheduled critical company events to accommodate employee's needs

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

My manager also reminds me to take time off.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I have never had an issue with taking time off. It is very much encouraged; my manager has asked me several times to take time off.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I've never been told I can't take time off when I've scheduled it. The team is accommodating and recognizes the importance of taking time off throughout the year.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We have unlimited PTO and are encouraged to take mental health days or whatever we need to succeed both in and out of work.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Was able to take off two weeks for my wedding a couple of months after starting at

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Have allowed me to take days off for vacation or personal reasons

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Current time off policy.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Yes - taking off for a vacation was easy - I didn't have to worry about things not getting done. Also, whenever I need personal days - sick, dentist appts., etc. it is easy to take that time off.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

My schedule is pretty flexible. I make myself available for meeting times, but otherwise, flex my daily schedule quite a bit, frequently starting "late" in the morning and coming back to work on something in the evening when I'm feeling more productive. The process for taking entire days off has been very easy and the management and executive teams have done a great job of modeling the practice of actually taking vacation.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Coworkers highly support taking time off to recuperate

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Sometimes I'm not great at doing this, but I've never been so encouraged to take time off at another company. When I do request time off, it's never denied and I'm trusted to have everything in place so the things sail smoothly as I unplug.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The team has encouraged us to take breaks if needed and isn't afraid to get their hands dirty to keep things moving while you're away

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There is an unlimited open vacation policy. Of course you still need to schedule it and make sure there is proper coverage. But there are no barriers and management encourages you take time as needed.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Leadership actively encourages people to take days off to recharge, and I have never seen or heard of a guilt trip about a vacation.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

It's amazing to have unlimited PTO and managers that encourage you to take a break

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

In two months working at I have already taken several personal days and will go on vacation for a week next month. No one questions the validity of needing a break.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The company encourages time off, and in fact, often turns 3-day holiday weekends into 4-day weekends. Our CEO models good behavior by taking time off frequently. When exec leadership takes time for themselves, it let's everyone else know that it's ok.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We have an unlimited PTO policy

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I'm allowed to, just a huge volume of work makes it hard to, logistically.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We have open PTO that's encouraged to use.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 32 of 67 Ratings

5 Stars: 59 4 Stars: 5 3 Stars: 1 2 Stars: 2 1 Stars: 0

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

When asked what I do and don't like about DDW, the people I work with is by #1 reason to like it here.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

we don't care who you are as long as you can make an impact. even if you can't make an impact, if you're hungry enough to try, we will support that.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I love it here!

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Some people do mess up pronouns, but everyone is sweet and amazing.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Sure, as long as you are a big, loud Extrovert and act, speak, and respond according to those expectations.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Coworkers try hard to be kind and welcoming

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We work hard to find team members from a diverse set of backgrounds.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Everyone I work with is genuinely happy.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

People here look out for one another and our CEO, founders, and Employee Experience team make inclusion a top priority.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

From the leadership team on down, everyone has the opportunity to be heard, and it shows in how we approach problems.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I wake up every morning looking forward to what challenges the day may bring.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Company prioritizes hiring for inclusivity and creating an inclusive environment at work.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The workplace is inclusive and welcoming and management is committed to keeping it that way. It sends our employees to DEI workshops and picks up those costs as well as other initiatives. This inclusiveness is reflected in our strong DEI numbers, especially as a technology company. We track and report on those numbers company wide every quarter

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

A diverse and welcoming group of coworkers

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Diversity is a core metric that is continuously reported on during our all hands meetings. It's not just a report metric, the company communications also promote the power of a diversified teams. The company also promotes inclusion and diversity through multiple lunch and learns throughout the year.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

It seems like people can bring their whole selves to work, and they often do.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We are very inclusive and seek ways to hire into roles for under represented groups and everyone alike.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The presence of our culture club.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I started relatively recently, and was immediately welcomed by the entire team. Folks were reaching out just to say hi and get to know me and I found that the environment they had created made it very easy to feel like part of the team. It was also refreshing to be far from the only woman on the team, something that is not always the case in tech companies.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

There are employees from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds represented.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I feel everyone is very welcoming to people of all creeds, backgrounds, experiences

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Culture isn't just the stuff you put on the website, but it's how you work together. I've heard many colleagues say this, and I feel the same way, that you feel like you can bring your whole self to work each day.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The first company I've worked at which didn't only say they were inclusive and diverse but showing it in every hiring decision.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago strives constantly to be better, more empathetic, more diverse, more inclusive. It's not always easy to do that and pursue ambitious goals, but this company never takes its eye off it.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Everyone is willing to learn more about others that are different from them and respectful of everyones differences.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

It's a pleasure to work in an environment where everyone is focused on the same thing, growing the company by pleasing our customers. I like that inclusivity is a core focus of our hiring process. Hiring and maintaining great talent with unique backgrounds is why we're consistently rated among the best places to work in Austin.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We have strong diversity across every area of the company, and all team members are welcomed, encouraged, and celebrated.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 27 of 67 Ratings

5 Stars: 45 4 Stars: 16 3 Stars: 3 2 Stars: 2 1 Stars: 0

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I don't feel like I get feedback, even on large projects; often I find I compete a project and submit it for review, only for it to seemingly vanish and never get referenced again. I suspect this, too, is a result of our rapid growth and consequently shifting priorities.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Feedback comes mostly from customers and performance, sometimes from peers, which is empathetic, but often not actionable.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I receive equal amounts of praise and criticism. the criticism is important because it's specific on how I can approach situations and issues better.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Absolutely. My managers are incredibly helpful and kind.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

The entire team at is incredibly empathetic to everyone in my experience. In some cases we could work harder to provide prescriptive or actionable feedback.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We encourage open conversations and transparency internally.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Our 33V1 reviews are honest and direct. I can always go to my manager and share with them my thoughts, ideas, feelings, anxieties. We talk through things, help understand.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

My manager is very intentional about sharing feedback that will be helpful from a growth perspective.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Our periodic review process is both lightweight (not onerous) and effective. It gives me feedback from not only my manager, but my peers in a way that helps me grow.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Never before have I felt so absolutely valued in my daily work, any feedback is provided clearly and concisely without any blame or negativity.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Twice-annual review process and regular 1:1s with your manager create a strong environment of feedback.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

We receive semiannual reviews as well as meet regularly with our managers so that we can get feedback in a number of different ways

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Frequent performance appraisals

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Reviews are conducted twice per year but I get feedback weekly as well.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

With our two 360 reviews each year, I feel like I get a great sense of where I stand with my team and manager that helps me decide where to focus the next six months on growing.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Feedback is given with steps to grow and thrive. It always includes praise for strong points, and a plan of action for things that can be improved.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I do, during my weekly review with management.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I do my best work when I don't have to wonder where I stand. I have never had to guess in my time at I receive constructive feedback, aligned with my own goals within the company, regularly.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

I think our feedback process is thorough but there's always room for improvement.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

Our 360 review process is very in-depth and uplifting. I've never had this level of feedback from peers before and I always leave my feedback conversations with my manager feeling like I learned something about myself and am empowered to continue making an impact at the company.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

In general I get good feedback to encourage how to move forward.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

This is harder to do casually in a pandemic. I do receive useful feedback from all levels of the organization. And we ensure that reviews are brought together from a variety of perspectives -- peers, managers, direct reports -- and create useful, balanced feedback.

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

People I work with are all great at communicating and collaborating

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Verified Current Employee, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

By Public Reviewer, More than 1 year ago

Displaying 23 of 66 Ratings

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